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Data rules

General information

Data rules are additional, config-specific checks that can be applied to individual slices of a data line after it has been parsed from the data pool. These rules can be set up in the config settings page.

For instance, let's consider the following Wordlist Type


If our specific config requires that the KEYWORD slice starts with abc and that the CODE slice does not contain 55 in the middle digits, we could set up data rules as follows:

Data Rules

The case sensitive option makes sure that only abc is matched, excluding variants like ABC, Abc, or others.

The invert option negates the previous statement, so the second data rule will only be verified if the slice does not match the regular expression.


Remember that the Regex validation written in the Wordlist Type configuration is always performed first. Once the data has been validated and the slices have been parsed, then data rules will be applied.

When to use them

Employing data rules helps to invalidate data that does not conform to a website's requirements before it's even tested on the website itself, reducing the number of data lines that need to be processed, speeding up the run, and decreasing the load on the website.

Data rules and multi run jobs

When a Multi-Run Job runs a config that has data rules, it will check the sliced data line against those rules. If any slice doesn't match a rule, the data line is marked as INVALID and discarded.