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All of the hits you obtain with a Multi Run Job that has Database in its hit outputs will be saved to the SQLite database, usually saved in UserData/OpenBullet2.db. You can view them in the Hits section of OpenBullet 2.

Types of hits

Hits have a type that depends on the status of the bot when it ended the execution of the config. Configs can change the status of the bot that executes them through Keycheck blocks or statements that specifically set the value of the data.STATUS variable. The values of the status that will result in a hit being sent to the hit outputs (for example the database) are, by default,

  • NONE
  • Any other custom status that was defined in the Environment.ini file

You can define custom statuses like this


The Name can be anything (an uppercase word is suggested for consistency) and the Color (defined with HEX notation) is used to color the keychains of a Keycheck block accordingly.


Editing the Environment.ini requires a restart of OpenBullet 2 for the changes to take effect.

Operations on hits

You can view the list of hits in a table, which can also be filtered.

The available operations are:

  • Copy with format - copies the hits to the clipboard with the chosen format
  • Download with format - download a text file with the hits inside, in the chosen format
  • Send to recheck - Creates a new Multi Run Job with the config that originally got the hits (if still present) and a file data pool that points to a temporary file where the hits to recheck are written. This is useful if you want to check some hits again to make sure they are still valid
  • Delete duplicates - Removes the duplicate hits.
  • Purge - ⚠️ Deletes ALL of your hits, only do this if you are REALLY sure that you want to delete all the hits in the database

The wordlist is taken into consideration when deduplicating hits, if you wish to ignore it, then go to the OB Settings page and enable Ignore the wordlist name when removing duplicates from hits

Export Formats

When copying or exporting hits, you can define the fields you want to keep by selecting your desired Export Format. For example, an export format like <DATA> | <CAPTURE> will print the data and the capture separated by a pipe (e.g., 00042 | Valid = true). You can choose between the built-in formats or you can also define a custom one by editing the Environment.ini file.


The available keywords that will be replaced with the corresponding data from the hit are

<DATA>The data from the data pool that was used to get the hit
<DATE>The time and date when the hit was obtained
<CATEGORY>The category of the config that obtained the hit
<CONFIG>The name of the config that obtained the hit
<PROXY>The proxy that was used to obtain the hit
<TYPE>The type of hit
<WORDLIST>The wordlist that was used to obtain the hit (if any)
<CAPTURE>The captured data

Everything else will not be replaced. You can also use \n, \r and \t for new lines and tab characters.


Editing the Environment.ini requires a restart of OpenBullet 2 for the changes to take effect.