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The globals variable

The globals variable contains data shared across all bots in a multi-run job. It can be used to store data that needs to be shared between bots, such as authentication tokens, counters, or other shared state.


The globals variable is the only one that is available in the startup script's code. This allows you to set up shared resources and state before the bots start running.

Under the hood

The globals variable is declared as a dynamic C# object. This means that you can store any type of data in it, and access it using the same syntax as you would in C#. dynamic is backed by the ExpandoObject class, which allows you to add and remove properties at runtime.

For example, you can store a value in the globals variable like this:

globals.myValue = 42;

And then access it like this:

int value = globals.myValue;

Predefined properties

Some properties are predefined in the globals variable. These properties are used by the system and should not be modified by the user, but they can be read to get information about the current job.

globals.JobIdintThe ID of the current job (0 in case of the debugger).
globals.ResourcesDictionary<string, ConfigResource>A dictionary of resources shared across all bots in the job. Resources can be configured in the Config Settings > Data > Resources tab.
globals.OwnerIdintThe ID of the user who created the job. The admin user has id 0, while guest users have their own unique IDs.