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Syntax of blocks in LoliCode

Blocks in LoliCode are the building blocks of a config. They are the smallest unit of work that can be done by the bot. They can be used to perform a wide variety of tasks, from simple arithmetic operations to complex HTTP requests.

Their syntax is as follows (optional elements are enclosed in square brackets):

[LABEL:Custom label]
[settingName = settingValue]
[=> VAR/CAP @outputVariable]

A block must start with the BLOCK keyword, followed by the block's unique identifier. The block ends with the ENDBLOCK keyword.

BLOCKThe start of a block
IdThe unique identifier of the block
LABEL:Custom labelA custom name for the block, will be shown in Stacker and in the bot log
DISABLEDIf present, the block will be disabled and not executed
SAFEIf present, the block will be executed in safe mode. Any exceptions will be caught and the error message will be stored in the data.ERROR variable (not all blocks support this)
settingNameThe unique name of a given setting of the block
settingValuesee below
=> VAR/CAP @outputVariableThe return value of the block, if any. You can define if it needs to be a normal variable (VAR) or also marked as capture (CAP)
ENDBLOCKThe end of a block

Setting values

Setting values can have 3 types:

  • Fixed (e.g., "hello" or 123)
  • Interpolated (e.g., $"My name is <name>")
  • Variable (e.g., @name)

Fixed value types

Fixed values are constants that are defined in the config. They can be of the following types:

Booltrue or false
EnumDepends on the setting, e.g., GET for the Method setting of a Request block
Byte ArrayplvB6Yer
List of Strings["one", "two", "three"]
Dictionary of Strings{("one", "first"), ("two", "second"), ("three", "third")}

Interpolated value types

Interpolated values are strings that can contain variables. They can be of the following types:

String$"This is my <name>"
List of Strings$["one", "<secondNumber>", "three"]
Dictionary of Strings${("one", "first"), ("<secondNumber>", "second"), ("three", "third")}

Variable value types

Variable values are references to variables that are defined in the config.

Final notes

  • There is automatic type casting, which means, for example, that you can use a variable of type Int in a setting of type String